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The CollectQueryWhere type is used to define the filtering conditions for a query. It supports logical grouping and field-specific conditions.

Type Definition

type CollectQueryWhereClause<T extends CollectObject | CollectSchema = CollectSchema> = {
where?: CollectQueryWhere<T>;

type CollectQueryWhere<T extends CollectObject | CollectSchema = CollectSchema> =
| CollectQueryCondition<T>
| RequireAtLeastOne<CollectQueryLogicalGrouping<T>>;

type CollectQueryCondition<T extends CollectObject | CollectSchema = CollectSchema> = {
[K in keyof T]?: T extends CollectSchema ? CollectWhereValueByType[T[K]['type']]
: T[K] extends number ? NumberValue
: T[K] extends boolean ? BooleanValue
: T[K] extends string ? DatetimeValue | StringValue
: T[K] extends null ? NullValue
: CollectWhereValue

type CollectWhereValueByType = {
boolean: BooleanValue;
datetime: DatetimeValue;
null: NullValue;
number: NumberValue;
string: StringValue;

type CollectWhereValue = BooleanValue | DatetimeValue | NullValue | NumberValue | StringValue;


Logical Grouping

  • Type: CollectQueryLogicalGrouping
  • Optional: Yes

Defines logical groupings ($AND, $OR, $NOT, $XOR) for combining multiple conditions.

Field Conditions

  • Type: CollectQueryCondition
  • Optional: Yes

Defines the conditions for individual fields based on their types.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to define filtering conditions using CollectQueryWhere:

const queryWhere: CollectQueryWhere<typeof AuthorSchema> = {
$AND: [
{ age: { $gt: 25 } },
{ name: { $startsWith: 'A' } }

In this example:

  • The query filters records where the age field is greater than 25 and the name field starts with 'A'.