📄️ Intro
In this documentation section, we'll explore the fundamental concepts and technical solutions behind Collect.
📄️ Supported Data Types
Collect supports a wide range of data types to accommodate diverse data needs and provide a flexible environment for your applications. Below is a comprehensive list of the supported data types along with their descriptions:
📄️ Properties
The fundamental unit of meaningful data in Collect is known as a Property. Despite its apparent simplicity and
📄️ Records
If you're seeking documentation for the Records API, you can find it by following the link to Records API.
📄️ Nesting
In the realm of real-world data and a human-centric mindset, there may arise a need to store nested data within Records.
📄️ Search
Collect offers powerful filtering and searching capabilities to help you retrieve the exact records you need based on specific criteria. Below, we will explain the functionality and options available for filtering and searching records, along with multiple examples for each search operation.
📄️ Querying Data
In previous sections, you have encountered the where condition and various logical operators like $and and $xor. This section provides a comprehensive guide on querying data using the CollectQuery type, covering all available logical and comparison operators.
📄️ Enhanced TypeScript Support
When working with CollectSDK, achieving perfect TypeScript contracts ensures a seamless development experience. TypeScript's strong typing system allows for precise autocomplete suggestions and error checking, particularly when dealing with complex queries and nested models. This section will guide you on how to enhance TypeScript support by defining comprehensive type definitions for your models.