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Getting started with Collect SDK is straightforward. This section will guide you through installing the SDK and setting up your first SDK instance.

Step 1: Install the Package

To begin, you need to add the Collect SDK to your project. You can do this using either npm or yarn:

Using npm:

npm install

Using yarn:

yarn add

Note on SDK Size

The Collect SDK is lightweight, coming in at just 5.1kB gzipped. Learn more about the package size here.

Step 2: Initialize the SDK

Once the package is installed, you can create an instance of the Collect SDK in your project.

import Collect from '';

const Collect = new Collect(COLLECT_SDK_TOKEN);

Replace COLLECT_SDK_TOKEN with your actual API token, which you can obtain from the Collect Dashboard.

Next steps

To make full use of the SDK, you'll need a valid API token. In the next section, Configuring Collect Dashboard, we'll guide you through the process of registering on the dashboard, creating a project, and generating your API token.