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The CollectInferType type is used to infer the types of schema fields for a given CollectModel. This utility type helps in deriving the correct types for fields defined in the schema, ensuring type safety and proper validation.

Type Definition

type CollectInferType<T extends CollectModel<any> = CollectModel<any>> = FlattenTypes<


The CollectInferType does not have explicit properties since it is used to infer types from a schema.

Example Usage

// Define a model with specific schema
const Author = new CollectModel('author', {
name: { type: 'string' },
email: { type: 'string', uniq: true }

// Use CollectInferType to infer the type of the model's schema
type AuthorType = CollectInferType<typeof Author>;

// Example usage of inferred type
const newAuthor: AuthorType = {
name: 'John Doe',
email: ''