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CollectRecordInstance | CollectRecordsArrayInstance

The CollectRecordInstance and CollectRecordsArrayInstance types are used to represent individual records and arrays of records in the Collect SDK. These instances provide methods to interact with the records, such as updating and deleting them.


The CollectRecordInstance type represents a single record instance, providing methods for interacting with the record.

Type Definition

class CollectRecordInstance<T extends CollectObject | CollectSchema = CollectObject> {
data: CollectRecord<T>;
searchParams?: CollectQuery<T>;

constructor(data: CollectRecord<T>, searchParams?: CollectQuery<T>) { = data;
this.searchParams = searchParams;

async update<T extends CollectObject = CollectObject>(
data: CollectRecordObject | T,
transaction?: CollectTransaction | string
): Promise<CollectRecordResult<T>> {
// Implementation here...

async delete(transaction?: CollectTransaction | string): Promise<CollectApiResponse<{ message: string }>> {
// Implementation here...



  • Type: CollectRecord<T>
  • Required: Yes

The data of the record.


  • Type: CollectQuery<T>
  • Optional: Yes

The search parameters used to find the record.

Example Usage

const authorInstance = new CollectRecordInstance({
__id: 'some-id',
__label: 'author',
name: 'John Doe',
email: ''

// Update the record
authorInstance.update({ name: 'Jane Doe' }).then(updatedRecord => {
console.log(; // { __id: 'some-id', name: 'Jane Doe', email: '' }

// Delete the record
authorInstance.delete().then(response => {
console.log(response); // { message: 'Record deleted successfully' }


The CollectRecordsArrayInstance type represents an array of record instances, providing methods for interacting with multiple records.

Type Definition

class CollectRecordsArrayInstance<T extends CollectObject | CollectSchema = CollectObject> {
data: CollectRecord<T>[];
total: number | undefined;
searchParams?: CollectQuery<T>;

constructor(data: CollectRecord<T>[], total?: number, searchParams?: CollectQuery<T>) { = data; = total;
this.searchParams = searchParams;

async update<T extends CollectObject = CollectObject>(
data: CollectRecordObject | T,
transaction?: CollectTransaction | string
): Promise<CollectRecordsArrayResult<T>> {
// Implementation here...

async delete(transaction?: CollectTransaction | string): Promise<CollectApiResponse<{ message: string }>> {
// Implementation here...



  • Type: CollectRecord<T>[]
  • Required: Yes

The data of the records.


  • Type: number
  • Optional: Yes

The total number of records.


  • Type: CollectQuery<T>
  • Optional: Yes

The search parameters used to find the records.

Example Usage

const authorsArrayInstance = new CollectRecordsArrayInstance([
{ __id: 'id-1', __label: 'author', name: 'John Doe', email: '' },
{ __id: 'id-2', __label: 'author', name: 'Jane Doe', email: '' }

// Update multiple records
authorsArrayInstance.update({ email: '' }).then(updatedRecords => {
console.log(; // [{ __id: 'id-1', name: 'John Doe', email: '' }, { __id: 'id-2', name: 'Jane Doe', email: '' }]

// Delete multiple records
authorsArrayInstance.delete().then(response => {
console.log(response); // { message: 'Records deleted successfully' }

In this example:

  • The CollectRecordInstance type represents a single record and provides methods for updating and deleting the record.
  • The CollectRecordsArrayInstance type represents an array of records and provides methods for updating and deleting multiple records.