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All examples are provided in two formats: raw JSON body and SDK-like code snippets.

When using the REST API, please ensure that the Content-Type: application/json and authorization token headers are set.


  • Automatic Type Inference: Enjoy seamless type safety with automatic TypeScript inference.
  • Isomorphic Architecture: Fully compatible with both server and browser environments.
  • Zero Dependencies: Lightweight and efficient with no external dependencies.
  • No Configuration Needed: Plug-and-play design requires no setup or configuration.



npm install


yarn add


pnmp add


  1. Get API Token at
  2. Install
  3. Build something people you want:
import Collect, { CollectModel } from '';

const CollectInstance = new Collect("API_TOKEN")

// Push any data to Collect the way you perceive it
await CollectInstance.records.createMany({
label: "PRODUCT",
payload: [
title: 'T-Shirt',
price: 50,
title: 'Sneakers',
price: 135,
uk: 8.5,
qty: 5

// Find it with granular precision and without any query language
await CollectInstance.records.find("PRODUCT", {
where: {
title: { $contains: "Sneakers" },
uk: { $gte: 8, $lte: 9 },
qty: { $gt: 0 }

Example with data modeling

import Collect, { CollectModel } from '';

const CollectInstance = new Collect("API_TOKEN")

const UserRepo = new CollectModel(
name: { type: 'string' },
rating: { type: 'number' },

await UserRepo.create({
name: "John Galt",
rating: 100

await UserRepo.find({
where: {
rating: { $gte: 50 }

How this achieved?

Collect achieves its flexibility through a unique hybrid approach to data storage by harnessing the capabilities of Neo4j's graph database, extending beyond its original features. This approach combines the strengths of a strongly typed graph on one hand while offering the flexibility of saving data within the built-in mechanisms of dynamically extending graph structures on the other.

Internal algorithms, including customized BFS (Breadth-First Search) and batching techniques, are intentionally crafted for efficiency and speed. Their primary goal is to provide an outstanding user and developer experience, ensuring smooth and high-speed operations throughout the platform.

In this documentation, you will find comprehensive information on how to use Collect to its fullest potential, from getting started to advanced features.